Friday, October 31, 2008

Palestinian girl..

salam... this is my latest drawing.. lately i'm going too slow of produce some new works.. i'm getting lazy..

i just love the picture... i found it when i surveying some image... so.., i decided to draw it.. and this is the what i really wanna see.. i'm so satisfied after drawing this.. i love the lighting and the shadow.. its not that easy to tackle the lighting.. and i take some time to thinking.., can i draw this? its looks difficult.. and i was thinking and finding some way to make it easy to draw.. so, i edited the image by converted the image to grayscale so that i can see the lighting and shadow in the black and white version... and thats works well.. alhamdulillah..

but, i did some mistakes in this drawing... i used some different gred pencil by combining H, 4H, 2H and 3B, 5B and 6B... its produce some rough stroke.... u can see on above.. eventhough its looks like kinda some rough stroke.., i believe that it is the power that make this drawing works well.. i think so.. and maybe that is my stroke style..... i've try to soften my stroke as well, but... looks like i'm satisfied with this stroke.. its ok... practise make perfect... i believe one day i'll produce some work in very soft stroke.. i will.. and i've promised myself to do so...

some friend told me.., eventhough using smudge technique will produce soft stroke and smooth shading... but he prefer to use cross hatching.. because it will produce a quality and lovely drawing...

but for me..., both of them (cross hatching and smodge technique) is just technique... its depend on us.. just go on what technique we prefered... what is the most important is, we satisfied on whatever technique... make it works very well..

i'll do appreciatte it anybody out there... please contact me if u have anything to share with me about... or to comments my works...

salam a'laik.. and thanks a lot for visit my gallery...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

:: new artwork is in progress ::

dah lama tak masuk blog.. tentang new artwork will become soon.. sekarang rasa makin malas pulak nak hasilkan banyak drawing... mood tak datang... tak dapat saya nafikan... kalau nak berjaya tu kena rajin melukis selalu... because PRACTISE MAKE PERFECT...

drawing ni dibuat masa bulan ramadhan yang lalu... saya tiru daripada drawing asal karya fazrul arhan dalam majalah blues selamanya.. tapi saya akui, drawing ni ade banyak kelemahan dan kesilapan... kalau diperhatikan, drawing ni tak balance sebab saya tak gunakan skalar, sebab tu nampak macam tak simetri... but.., i'll improve it more next time.. saya gunakan pensil gred 2B, 4B dan 6B on A4 paper.. belum siap lagi ni...,aduhai..., entah bila la saya nak siapkan.. drawing yang lain pun banyak terbengkalai... hihihi..

saya suka posing wanita ni... riak wajahnya ada iras shiela lama (refer kepada karya asal).. mata saya terpaku melihat kelembutan wanita ni.., dari riak wajahnya, ada ketenangan tergambar melalui sinar matanya... mungkinkah dia gadis yang selalu hadir di bayangan pelukis asalnye..? entahlah.. saya tak tau... tapi ianya mungkin sedikit sebanyak mempengaruhi gerak hati dan perasaan kita... tak jemu mata memandang... sejuk
je hati ni terasa bila mata ni terlihat riak wajahnya...

kalau ada sesiapa di luar sana yang nak berinteraksi dengan saya... atau mungkin ada kritikan atau komentar.. atau apa jua persoalan... anda boleh e-mailkan saya di
i'll do appreciatte it....